June, 2024

    John Wasta, District Foundation Chair 

Foundation First newsletter 

Welcome to the June 2024 District 5970 Foundation Newsletter. 
This is my last month as the District 5970 Foundation Committee Chairperson.  I have enjoyed the position and have really enjoyed meeting so many of the District 5970 Rotarians.
I am not just fading off into the sunset.  I have accepted the District 5970 Global Grants Chair and the District 5970 Bequest Society Chairperson for Rotary year 2024-2025.  I will also be available to help the new District Foundation Chairperson where I can.
REMINDER – If your club was awarded a District Grant for Rotary year 2023-2024 your final report is due in June.  Even if you can not finish the grant and need an extension, you must file a final report.  Please do this soon.  The District can not receive our 2024-2025 grant monies from The Rotary Foundation until the District submits our report and we can not do this until we have the reports from each club. Click here to go the ‘final report’ form on the District 5970 website.
In my home club we have a member whose family has been impacted by the floods in Brazil.  Many of us in Eastern Iowa know what it means to have your community flood affected.  My understanding is that the floods in Brazil were wide spread and devastating. The club member was asking about starting a Global Grant to help respond to the floods.  Then we received notification from The Rotary Foundation that they have started a Disaster Fund specifically for the floods in Brazil.  I am asking for your consideration to support this Rotary project.  Click here to go the Bazil Disaster Fund donation page if wish to help or go to your login at my.rotary.org, click on donation and click on the Brazil Disaster Fund.
I mentioned that I will be working on promoting the Bequest Society this upcoming year.  Some of you know that I got involved with the Bequest Society after selling my business.  We had purchased life insurance for the owners to protect the company and once the business was sold the purpose for these policies went away.  I took one of the policies and changed the beneficiary to The Rotary Foundation.  This is how I became a Bequest Society Member.  In communicating with other Rotarians, I also found some who had added The Rotary Foundation to their Charitable Trust.  Once The Rotary Foundation was informed, they also became Bequest Society members.  Please contact me if you have an interest in the Bequest Society.  
Thank you all for the opportunity these last three years.  I look forward to working with you more down the road.
John Wasta
Rotary District 5970 Foundation Chairperson 2021-2024
221 Kent Ct NE, Cedar Rapids, IA  52402

John Wasta

District 5970 Foundation Chair


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