2015 Int'l Convention - Invitation for Friday Night Lights June 5
on May 16, 2015
Brazil International Convention Invitation!
This letter of invitation is to all District 5970 Rotarians to join us in São Paulo.
It is not too late to register for our Rotary Convention in São Paulo. If you have not yet registered, please join us for this annual celebration of Rotary with fellowship and fun in Brazil. Make memories with friends old and new, engage with leaders, learn to lead, connect for good, exchange ideas and meet people from your district and from half a world away!
Attached please find our final Zones 28-29 Rotary International Convention São Paulo Newsletter. Online registration is available on the convention website at http://www.riconvention.org/ en/2015/Pages/ridefault.aspx.
If you have registered for the convention, please also join us for Friday Night Lights June 5 with your fellow Rotarians from Zones 28 and 29, http://tinyurl.com/ 2829fridaynight.
Chris Etienne
São Paulo Convention Promotion Committee
Zones 28-29
São Paulo Convention Promotion Committee
Zones 28-29