Deadlines are quickly approaching for students to apply for RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). If you have students interested, please have them completed the Student Application Process (New Online Application) which is now available at Clubs should note that March 15 is the deadline for clubs to send in registration fee ($400 per student) to reserve slots for the number of students they plan to sponsor this summer (RYLA will be held July 26-31, 2015.) The Rotarian Volunteer Application has also been posted on the RYLA website - if you or someone you know would make a good Rotarian Volunteer at RYLA, please consider applying. It is a fun, rewarding, exciting, life changing experience for Rotarians as well as the conferees. That’s why Rotarians keep coming back. Dates for volunteers include a June 20 training and then July 25-31 for the conference. Applications for volunteering are due April 30. Visit for additional information.