District Conference

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30 Apr 2021 |
District 5970
Virtual District Conference Schedule
Friday April 30, 2021
6:00 PM – Log on
Welcome Video
Invocation: Retired Reverend B. J. Ukena
National Anthem- Sung by District Governor Stoolman’s daughter, Whitney
Message from District Governor Lowell Stoolman
6:30 PM District 5950 Governor Tom Gump
“Reimaging Clubs & Starting New Ones”
7:00 PM PDG Tina Hall (Decorah Rotary Club)
“Hope, Rebounding, & Energy Looking Forward
Ideas to Share for Your Clubs
7:30 PM PDG Newell Krogmann District 5960
Polio Update
8:00 PM Rotary International Award Ceremony
Presenter: PDG Jill Olsen Service Above Self Award
Presenter: Don Meyer District Foundation Chair
Foundation Meritorious Service Award
8:15 PM Friday wrap up followed by Social and entertainment
Saturday May 1, 2021
8:00 AM Log on
Welcome video Tour of Rockwell City
Invocation: Reverend Chadric Dietrich
National Anthem performed by SCC Interact students (video)
Message from DG Lowell Stoolman
8:30 AM Keynote Speaker Michael Angelo Caruso
"The First 15 Seconds"
Making the most of first impressions on social media, on websites, on Zoom and in person.
How stronger first impressions can grow your club, raise more money, amp up your career and improve your life.
9:00 AM Emily Tucker Regional Membership Officer
“Membership Strength is in Our Diversity”
9:30 AM Break Auction Bidding promotion
Duck Pluck
9:50 AM Welcome back to the conference
10:00 AM Connor Roth 2019-2020 Global Scholar
“Global Scholarship Experience: A Year in Brighton, England
10:30 AM Katie Wilford District Rotaract/Interact Chair
“Three Ways Interact & Rotaract Can Boost Your Club”
11:00 AM PDG Michelle Bell
“Unconscious Bias”
11:45 AM Break Auction bidding Duck Pluck winner announcement
12:00 PM John Crudele District 5950
Going Hybrid – Engaging In-Personal Club Meetings
12:30 PM Video message from RIPN Jennifer Jones
12:45 PM District Awards and video
1:00 PM Short District business meeting
Approval of 2019-2020 Financial Reports
1:30 PM Jim Coloff, District Grants Chair
“District Grant Seminar”
2:30 PM Wrap up and dismissal from main sessions
Words of encouragement going forward: Reverend Anita Bane
2:30 PM Separate zoom meeting for everyone
Katie Wilford Interact Session
“Nuts and Bolts of Interact”
3:00 PM Separate optional zoom meeting for everyone
Katie Wilford Rotaract Session
“Wholly Wrapped Rotaract”