- Read about the Rotary Sunflower Discover Project in Decorah here.
- North Central President Elect Training will be held March 13-15, 2025 in Minneapolis. Early registration ends December 31, 2024. Register at www.northcentralpets.org.
- Student registration for RYLA 2025 is open. Register by completing the form at www.iowaryla.org/apply
2024-12-17 06:00:00Z |
ROTARY RUSH IS HERE! $1 for 1 Points to Dollars Match on Donations made to the Rotary Foundation – Annual Fund ( only) - Our local communities benefit through district matching grants. For details on how to take advantage of Rotary Rush, click here. |
Rotary Rush is on!
2024-12-04 06:00:00Z |
RYLA 2025 Head Counselors
2024-10-28 05:00:00Z |
Note: If you are unable to attend the in-person event, virtual training will be held Tuesday and Thursday, April 22 and 24, 2025 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Registration for the virtual training is not available yet.
North Central President Elect training
2024-10-17 05:00:00Z |
David Jenson of the Algna Rotary Club has been selected as the District Governor for the 2027-2028 Rotary year. Congratulations David!
David Jenson selected as DG for 2027-2028
2024-09-18 05:00:00Z |
The Rotary Zone 25b-29 Institute is a gathering of Club and District Leaders , in San Antonio, Texas September 5 - 8, 2024, to share, to learn and become better equipped as Leaders. We welcome all "Future Leaders" to apply to join the Institute with their expenses paid by our District. Please make this opportunity known to everyone who meets the following criteria: Is a Rotarian, Rotaractor, or Rotary alumni living within District 5970 and interested in assuming a future leadership role in Rotary; and Is able to attend the Zone Training Institute in San Antonio, Texas September 5 - 8, 2024.
Application: Each applicant should complete the Application Form (below) and submit it by email to Suellen Kolbet at des@district5970.org on or before July 30, 2024. (Each applicant must also submit a short video presentation as described in the application form). Download, Fill out, Save and eMail the Application click here For Details..
Future Leaders - Apply to attend Zone Institute on Sept 5-8, 2024
2024-07-09 05:00:00Z |
Stephanie A. Urchick President 2024-25 July 2024[Rotary is at its best when we foster a sense of inclusion and belonging in our clubs. In fact, I would go so far as to say that belonging is The Magic of Rotary itself. With a focus on inclusivity and belonging, it is easier to be united in a common purpose. When we are committed to one another and focused on our goals, we are most effective. Rotary’s Action Plan can help. The Action Plan comes with tools you can use to collect feedback, assess your club’s strengths and weaknesses, and address challenges. The world is changing, and our clubs can’t afford to stand still. But the changes we make need to be consistent and strategic — building on one another toward a greater vision. The Action Plan can help you work toward that vision and create effective change within your club. Following the Action Plan and addressing suggestions from the community will go a long way to fostering the sense of belonging we want all Rotary members to feel in their clubs. That’s why expanding our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is so important. Committing ourselves to each other’s well-being is the first step to expanding our reach, allowing us to spread Positive Peace in these troubled times. Peacebuilding is one of our top priorities, and one of the most effective ways we can build peace is with our Rotary Peace Fellowships, through which peace and development professionals learn how to prevent and end conflict. We offer the fellowships through our Rotary Peace Centers at leading universities around the globe, where more than 1,800 Rotary Peace Fellows have graduated. And thanks to a $15.5 million gift from the Otto and Fran Walter Foundation, we can continue supporting peacebuilders in more regions with the next peace center at Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul. Opening another peace center is a monumental achievement, and it is my great honor to invite you to celebrate at next year’s Rotary Presidential Peace Conference at the Istanbul center. The three-day conference 20-22 February will highlight the many ways our family of Rotary advances peacebuilding. Registration for the conference is officially open. I hope to see you there. The 2025 Rotary Presidential Peace Conference has great potential for our peacebuilding efforts — but only if we have your support. The truth is, we’re not going to bring peace to the world, end polio, or grow membership by waving a wand and saying some funny words. It’s up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member inducted. I love my Rotary family and I know you do too. That’s why I know that together, we can make every club and district simply irresistible. This year, let us change the world by embracing The Magic of Rotary.
RI President Stephanie Urchick
2024-07-01 05:00:00Z |
At the Cedar Rapids West Rotary meeting on April 17, 2024, Peter Teahen of the Cedar Rapids West Rotary Club was awarded the prestigious "Service Above Self" award. He is pictured here with John Ockenfels, District Governor Carole Bernhard, and Past District Governor Jill Olsen.
Service Above Self Award winner Peter Teahen
2024-04-17 05:00:00Z |
At the Cedar Rapids West Rotary meeting on April 17, 2024, Peter Teahen of the Cedar Rapids West Rotary Club was awarded the prestigious "Service Above Self" award. He is pictured here with John Ockenfels, District Governor Carole Bernhard, and Past District Governor Jill Olsen.
Service Above Self Award Recipient Peter Teahen
2024-04-17 05:00:00Z |
Seeking District Governor CandidatesAre you or a fellow Rotarian looking to grow in District 5970 and Rotary International? We’ve begun the search for the 2027-2028 Rotary Year District Governor. As District Governor, you’ll be charged with leading the district, serving as an officer of RI and most importantly inspiring our clubs to reach new heights . Get the complete position description. To apply, you must meet the following qualifications include: Be a current member in good standing Completed 7 years of Rotary membership prior to taking office Served a term as President of a Rotary Club, Possess good leadership skills Have strong interpersonal skills and ability to work with others Able to speak in public Desire to promote the good work of Rotary on a local and international level
If you’re ready to take on this Rotary leadership role please complete this Application. It requires your secretary's certification. Please send the completed form by April 4, 2024 to District Executive Secretary Suellen Kolbet at des@district5970.org
Seeking District Governor Candidates for 2027-2028
2024-03-04 06:00:00Z |
ROTARY RUSH IS HERE! $1 for 1 Points to Dollars Match on Donations made to the Rotary Foundation – Annual Fund ( only) - Our local communities benefit through district matching grants. For details on how to take advantage of Rotary Rush, click here. |
Rotary Rush is on!
2023-11-27 06:00:00Z |
2024-25: The Magic of RotaryRI President-elect Stephanie Urchick celebrates the magic of Rotary. She says members create that magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member of Rotary.
2024-2025 Presidential Theme
2023-01-10 06:00:00Z |
Ward Budweg of the Decorah Rotary Club has been selected as the District Governor for the 2025-2026 Rotary Year. Congratulations, Ward!
Announcement - District Governor for 2025-2026 Selected
2022-03-30 05:00:00Z |
District 5970 & 6000 Interact Committees have designed five sessions and a service project for Interactors at the District Conference on Sat, Apr 23. The deadline to register Interactors and their accompanying faculty advisers is April 10. Contact district5970interactchair@gmail.com for more information.
Interactors at the All Iowa District Conference
2022-03-23 05:00:00Z |
A dedicated website has been created to book hotel reservations online. To make your reservations, please click here: https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/group-booking/IOWRC/G-DRCO | If you need additional assistance, please contact us at 877-803-7534 or click here to find contact information by Region. If the group rate is no longer available, prevailing rates may be offered for some or all of the dates. |
Conference Hotel Registration Information
2021-09-28 05:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Humboldt recently organized a fly-in fundraiser breakfast. The event was attended by over 775 people and over $6,400 (gross) was raised to support community projects and scholarships for local students. In addition to the breakfast, attendees could purchase a ticket to take a short flight around the area. 85 plane rides were given. 32 pilots attended the breakfast. This annual event has been held for the last 20 years and is very popular in the community. Front row L to R - Victor Meyer, Bret Davis, Bruce Watnem Back row L to R - Jeff Hassman (District Governor), Cheryl Rhead (Club President), Bill Hamm (Assistant District Governor), John Raine Picture courtesy of Kent Thompson, Humboldt Independent Newspaper
Humboldt Rotary Fly in Breakfast
2021-08-13 05:00:00Z |
We know that leading a club is a big job with many responsibilities. The Membership team at Rotary International can help by connecting you with resources designed to address the specific challenges you face. The Club Planning Assistant allows you to explore possible solutions to the biggest issue for your club and offers customized strategies, tools, and ideas designed to boost your club’s health. We expect the questions to take no more than ten minutes to answer, and you can visit Rotary.org/membership to take it as often as you need to.
Help from Membership Team at Rotary International
2021-05-18 05:00:00Z |
See District Governor Lowell Stoolman's June Newsletter here. | June, 2021 A Note from Your District Governor A Look Back at this Unusual DG Rotary Year My term as District Governor covered a year unlike any other. In my 12-month term, our District and the world experienced all kinds of chaos: The global COVID-19 pandemic The derecho Political unrest Social and cultural turmoil that will hopefully result in lasting, positive change
But through it all, one thing has never wavered: our collective commitment to the causes for which our Rotary clubs stand. The District won numerous awards during the pandemic year, with 20 clubs receiving the Club Excellence Award. And we raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund polio vaccination and various projects in our communities. Despite the turmoil of the past year, your dedication has been my inspiration. It’s truly been my pleasure to serve as your District Governor, and I look forward to joining you in Service Above Self when your next DG, Jeff Hassman, takes the reins in July. |
(Read more in the newsletter here.)
2021-05-03 05:00:00Z |
RI President-Elect Shekhar Mehta theme for 2021-22 - "Serve to Change Lives"
RI President-Elect Shekhar Mehta's Theme for 2021-22
Suellen Kolbet
2021-02-14 06:00:00Z |
Click here for January's issue of Training Talk!
Training Talk
David Drewelow
2021-01-10 06:00:00Z |
WHAT: DISTRICT 5970 ONE ROTARY SUMMIT “Rotary Opens Opportunities” WHEN: January 26, 2021 (Option 1), January 30, 2021 (Option 2) TIME: 6:30 pm (January 26) or 10:00 am (January 30) WHERE: Virtual WHY: This is your time to learn, explore, and discuss how “Rotary Opens Opportunities” You will share how opportunities are important for all of us as Rotarians and Rotaractors. You will participate in focused discussions about Membership, Public Image, and The Rotary Foundation and how the three work together in Rotary. “Rotary Opens Opportunities” Register here for Option 1 or here for Option 2.
One Rotary Summit
2021-01-08 06:00:00Z |
Because of the Pandemic, the New Hampton Rotary Club was concerned children would not have the opportunity to meet with Santa. They arranged for Santa to facetime from the North Pole, and were able to connect with 40 families. (The Grinch also made an appearance.) They even had callers from Michigan, California, and Canada! Merry Christmas to all!!!
New Hampton - Facetime with Santa
2020-12-21 06:00:00Z |
Rockwell City Rotarian Peg Stoolman presents Automated External Defibrillators AEDs ( purchased with a matching grant from Rotary District 5970 and Rockwell City Rotary Club) to Pastor Chad Dietrich (Immanuel Lutheran Church) and Rev. Dillon Brandt (Church of Christ) for their respective churches.
Rockwell City District Grant Project
2020-11-11 06:00:00Z |
Recently, the Cedar Falls Rotary Club partnered with their local Interact Club to clear brush near the Rotary Prairie Park. The Prairie is a long term project of the club and is an asset enjoyed by the entire community with its many bike and walking paths.
Cedar Falls Rotary/Cedar Falls Interact
2020-10-29 05:00:00Z |
October 11 was a beautiful day for another successful Webster City Rotary Club Turkey Dinner! Travis Lala, of our Rotary After Hours group donned the turkey costume to greet our drive-up customers. Due to COVID restrictions, the meals were distributed as drivers arrived in two drive-up lanes. Rotarians wait to dish up 1236 meals and transfer them out to the drive-up lanes. The Webster City Rotary Club has held its annual Turkey Dinner for 40 years. Whether we could continue the tradition in the year of the pandemic seemed to be a big question. It is usually held at the local high school, but that facility was not available to outside groups. The new Briggs Woods Conference Center was available if we moved the event up two weeks, and director Kelly Haman was willing to work with us and Central Catering from Hawarden to make it happen. A survey was taken of the members to determine if they were willing to proceed. After much discussion, it was determined that by following public health department guidelines, we could move forward. The committee responded quickly to adjust to a new venue, advance-only ticket sales, and drive-up only option. (In previous years, diners had the choice of dine-in. take-out, and drive-up.) The public’s response was overwhelming. In two short hours, 1236 meals were dispensed in two quick hours. The delicious meal consisted of turkey (from 70 turkeys), dressing, and gravy supplied by Central Catering and the mashed potatoes (made from 800 lbs. of hand-peeled potatoes), green beans enhanced with bacon and almonds, and rolls, topped off with a Little Debbie Nutty Bar. As always, the leftovers were taken to Fort Dodge to Beacon of Hope, a shelter for homeless men. With proceeds of over $10,000, the club will be able to help support several organizations. In the past, contributions have gone to Meals on Wheels, UDMO, All Cultures Equal, Youth and Family Services, D/SAOC, Backpack, Power-Up Youth, 4-H, Foundation of Hamilton County, H.E.R.O., Kids Against Hunger, Crimestoppers, local food pantries, and high school scholarships. Forty of the Noon Club and Rotary After Hours group donned their Rotary shirts, aprons, and masks, had their temperatures taken, and went to their assigned work stations. Their overwhelming response to the event was that this may have been the best yet! So glad we did it.
Webster City Rotary Turkey Dinner
2020-10-19 05:00:00Z |
The Cedar Valley Rotary Club is embracing this year's theme "Rotary Opens Opportunities" wholeheartedly. They have a small set of doors and each meeting one member is asked to open an opportunity in Rotary by choosing one of the doors. Pictured is Rotarian Justin Jensen who is able to support a local business with a gift certificate to one of our community's downtown districts. They have a variety of opportunities available and it will be different each week. They truly are "People of Action"!
Cedar Valley Rotary
Suellen Kolbet
2020-07-15 05:00:00Z |
 April 21, 2020 — As thousands of Iowans are unemployed and relying on food pantries to help feed their families during this worldwide pandemic, food banks are stretched to meet the needs of the hungry with unprecedented requests. Local Rotarians heard the call, applied for, and received a Disaster Response Grant from the Rotary International Foundation to help. The local clubs have asked that the District present a check to the Iowa Food Bank Association in the amount of $24,000 for immediate distribution. “In times like this, I couldn’t be more proud to be part of an organization that has, since its inception, had a mission of service above self, and a heart to serve those in need in our communities.” shared Michelle Bell, Rotary District 5970 Governor 2019-2020 and a member of Rotary Club of Linn County. “We have partnered with Linda and her organization before and know that she will allocate funds quickly to the local communities, per our Rotary Clubs, wishes to support the immediate needs. $7500 of the funding is designated to HACAP serving Linn and surrounding counties. Together we can help fight hunger.” The Rotary Foundation funding comes from previous gifts by Rotarians and other interested citizens all over the world. “To date, we are one of 40 Districts, out of 535, worldwide to receive this grant.” says Bell. “The Iowa Rotary District 5970 covers essentially the North half of Iowa, in which we have 51 clubs including nine in Linn County.” The District allowed those clubs to apply for $1000 each (of the total grant) to support COVID-19 needs in their communities. To date, 24 of those clubs have elected to send their funding to the Iowa Food Banks to support their fellow Iowans. “During these unprecedented times, the Food Banks serving Iowans have been notably affected with an increased need for food by more Iowans along with many challenges. The generosity of Rotarians across the state are deeply appreciated to help nourish hungry Iowans.” shared Linda Gorkow, of Iowa Food Bank Association. The economic hardships Iowans are facing due to COVID-19 are creating challenges for the food banks with the supply as well as demand. Food banks and their partner agencies have been ordering more than double the amount of food compared to distribution numbers prior to the worldwide crisis. “I am humbled and overjoyed by the Rotarian’s willingness to help the food banks and pantries serving food insecure Iowans. I send a heartfelt thank you to each local Rotarian. You have made a difference in the life of another Iowan.” adds Gorkow. The Iowa Food Bank Association (IFBA) is a collaboration of Feeding America food banks and affiliates that serve each of Iowa’s 99 counties. Together, the food banks serve over 1,000 non-profit organizations serving children, adults, veterans, and seniors. These organizations include food pantries, emergency meal sites, congregational meal sites, emergency shelters, and other sites that provide food to clients. As an association, the organization is coordinating efforts to alleviate hunger by supporting Feeding America food banks that serve Iowa. For more information visit, https://www.iowafba.org/ If you need assistance, find a food bank near you https://www.iowafba.org/partner-food-banks
Local Rotarians Answer Iowa Food Bank Call for Help with $24,000
2020-04-22 05:00:00Z |
 Melat Gebremariam and Quinlan Robuck These two young women have been chosen to plan and lead our 2019 RYLA Conference July 14-19, 2019 at Grinnell College. Melat is a student at George Washington University, Washington DC and Quinlan is a student at Minnesota State University, Mankato. We are excited about our upcoming task and are looking forward to a great conference. I am currently looking for Rotarian Volunteers to assist during the week of RYLA. We are planning for 240 students that will be placed into 20 teams. Each team will have a Team Leader and a Rotarian Volunteer to lead 12-14 high school students and perform activities to build leadership skills. The days are long but the reward is great knowing you will make a difference in the lives of young Rylarians. I have been a Rotarian volunteer for six years and look forward to helping with RYLA each year. Rotarian training will be held at Grinnell on June 15. To learn more about RYLA, visit the website at http://www.iowaryla.org/, check out the resources, and fill out your Rotary Volunteer application to apply. I would like to have 20 Rotarians identified by the end of the year so we can determine how many teams we can have. If you have any questions, please e-mail me at babcock@iowatelecom.net or give me a call at 641-257-9915. Please leave a message if I don’t answer. If you know of someone who would be interested in helping, please forward this to them. We will accommodate individuals that have physical restrictions. We are interested in your wisdom and experience as Rotarians that believe in Service Above Self and want to “Be the Inspiration” in 2019. Mike Babcock, 2019 RYLA Chair, New Hampton Rotary Club
RYLA chooses Counselors for 2019
2018-11-13 06:00:00Z |
Posted by Helen Beneke on Apr 25, 2018
The Interact Club of PAC from Pocahontas, IA, celebrated National Volunteer Week (April 15 - 21) by - daily volunteer activities ranging from cleaning up the school grounds, local parks, and roadside ditches.
- serving lunch at Beacon of Hope, a men’s homeless shelter in Fort Dodge
- playing BINGO at two local care facilities in town.
They planned a weather pick-me-up by providing a "Soupy Weather? Soupy Supper!" for the Pocahontas community. The Interact Club partnered with the Pocahontas Area Community High School Art Department. Teacher, Bill Strack, threw 50 bowls and with the assistance of his art students, provided colorful bowls for those who bought tickets for the supper. Each bowl was taken home by the satisfied supporter of this Interact Club. Tickets were priced at $10.00 and the Interact Club made $700.00. They will split the proceeds among the following agencies: Congregate Meals of Pocahontas, Upper Des Moines Opportunity, and Meals from the Heartland. "Read More" to see photos.
National Volunteer Week Observed by Pocahontas Interact Club
Helen Beneke
2018-04-25 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 25, 2018
Incoming Iowa Rotary club presidents in District 5970 celebrated their organization’s dedication to the worldwide eradication of polio with a $2,000 gift to The Rotary Foundation’s End Polio Now campaign. The presidents-elect, who take office in July, contributed the funds during a recent training seminar in Rochester, Minnesota. Their contribution will be matched 2 for 1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for a total of $6,000 toward the eradication of polio. “While every Rotary Club can select ways to serve its community, ending polio is Rotary’s common goal,” said Lisa Pritchard, president-elect of the Cedar Rapids Daybreak Rotary Club. “Thanks to efforts big and small — even a roomful of Rotarians at a training seminar — we will end polio.” Brenda Cressey, vice chair of the Rotary Foundation Trustees, left, accepts gifts totaling $2,000 for the eradication of polio from Lisa Pritchard, Cedar Rapids Daybreak Rotary Club, and Kathy Getting, Webster City Rotary Club. Don Meyer of Waverly, right, is District 5970’s 2018 Foundation Team leader. The district Rotary club presidents-elect donated the funds, which will be matched 2 for 1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Incoming Iowa Rotary club presidents raise $2,000 for polio eradication
Linda Moeller
2018-04-25 05:00:00Z |
Toronto International Conference - Sessions available
2018-03-19 05:00:00Z |
First five of 46 wells dedicated in December Eight northern Iowa Rotary clubs are part of an international project to provide clean water access to 46 communities in .jpg) Haiti. The Marion-East Cedar Rapids, Algona, Mason City, Humboldt, Mason-City River Sunrise, Garner, Bancroft Area and Cedar Valley Rotary Clubs and Rotary District 5970 contributed more than $56,000 to the estimated $722,000 cost of the project. A Global Grant from Rotary International plus contributions from Haiti Outreach and Rotary clubs in Haiti, Iowa, Minnesota, Texas, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Tennessee support the Rotary Pignon Sustainable Clean Water Access Project. “This is what Rotary is all about, changing lives and doing good in the world,” said District 5970 District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair Michelle Bell of Marion. Bell and eight other Rotarians from Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois traveled to Pignon in November 2017 to built relationships with Haitian Rotarians, Haiti Outreach leadership and government representatives. This past December, the project reached its first milestone with five well dedications/inaugurations. In all, the project will build 19 new community-managed wells and rehabilitate 27 dysfunctional wells over a two-year period. A community management program for sustainability is part of each well installation. In addition, all 46 communities will receive sanitation and hygiene education as well as a latrine for every household. Bell said 90 percent of residents of the commune of Pignon will have access to potable water within 500 meters of their homes. “This is history in the making,” Bell said of the Rotary project, noting that Pignon will become the first commune in Haiti to receive such a gift.
Northern Iowa Rotarians change lives through Haiti Water Project
2018-01-19 06:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 05, 2018
Suellen Kolbet of New Hampton is our new Executive Secretary for Rotary District 5970, effective July 1. Our District encompasses 53 Rotary clubs across the northern half of Iowa. Suellen Kolbet is a University of Northern Iowa graduate with a degree in office administration. She returned to her hometown of New Hampton to accept a position as financial clerk. She spent 10 years as deputy city clerk and became city clerk in 1994. She retired from that position on May 25. She joined the New Hampton Rotary Club in 1994 and was club president in 2001-02. Suellen has been the club’s secretary/treasurer since 2001. This year, she completed two decades of service as Chickasaw County representative on the United States Selective Service Board. She also serves on the New Hampton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and the Iowa League of Cities Executive Board.
District Executive Secretary In Place
2018-01-05 06:00:00Z |
District 5970 Rotarians: Our donations should include Rotary Foundation. But did you know of the Iowa-based Rotary Action Group "Club Foot Rotary Action Group"? Please view this 60 second video, read further and consider RAG4Clubfoot. You could give "Iowa's Gift to the World!" https://youtu.be/EPj1gGVArBg “Contact Patty Roberts of the RAG4Clubfoot Board to arrange for a speaker at your Rotary club. Speakers are available to present in all parts of Iowa. Contact Patty by phone at (502) 494-0402 or at patriciaroberts7@icloud.com.”
The GIFT of a LIFETIME! See what Rotary Past VP Jennifer Jones says about it!
2017-12-23 06:00:00Z |
Your President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) is in Rochester on March 8-10, 2018! This conference equips PEs in District 5970, plus Iowa District 6000 and 2 more districts in Minnesota-Wisconsin! Register now and join many other PE's and District Leaders to prepare you to lead your club. Our District expects all President Elects will attend. Some clubs also send the candidate who follows the President-Elects as President, to attend twice. PETS Conference Registration for PEs is paid by our District. Use code PE5970 at check-out to charge the registration to our District. Be sure to reserve your Hotel. Hotel and travel expense is paid by your club. Three hotels are listed with special NCPETS Seminar rates. Other charges or a non-PE attending... the pay-to is correct: Iowa State University is managing our registrations for Rochester. Inquire to registrations@iastate.edu.
President Elects: North Central PE Training Rochester MN March 8-10
2017-12-10 06:00:00Z |
Success in membership growth and retention, foundation fundraising, youth activities and community support earned Rotary District 5970 a prestigious 2016-17 Presidential Citation. Seven Rotary clubs in the district also qualified for the hard-to-achieve recognition.
Rotary District 5970 Clubs Earn Prestigious Rotary Award
Bruce Lindholm
2017-12-08 06:00:00Z |
JOB OPENING: Part-Time District Executive Secretary District 5970 's Executive Secretary (DES) is retiring on June 30th 2018. In preparation, we will be hiring a DES to allow time for the new person to learn the job. Please find in the link attached with the job description for this position. If you or someone you know are interested in applying for this position please send a cover letter and resume to District Governor Elect Neil Fell at dg2018@district5970.org. Applications will be open until 10 November at 5:00pm Central Time. Interviews will be held on November 17th in Waterloo, Iowa. Position Summary / Purpose: To provide day-to-day management of Rotary District 5970 including administrative, information technology; marketing; coordination of quarterly board meetings; support for special events and activities as well as clerical functions in an effective and efficient manner. To assist and support the District Governor, Board of Directors, and members to promote and encourage enhancing Rotary, consistent with Rotary International’s goals and objectives.
Job Opening- District Executive Secretary
2017-10-20 05:00:00Z |
.png) By spending just three hours at a One Rotary Summit, you can: Learn how to energize your club for growth, service and public interaction. Engage in fresh new thinking. Take home hands-on tools strengthen your club’s membership, public image and involvement in Rotary Foundation programs.
Join other enthusiastic District 5970 Rotarians at Marion: Garner, IA| Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017 Garner is cancelled. Refunds will be issued.
Presbyterian Church | 475 Maben St. Join us in Marion!
Marion, IA | Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2017 Indian Creek Country Club | 2401 Indian Creek Rd. 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. | $15/person (includes meal)
One Rotary Summit: Strengthen Our Clubs!
2017-09-12 05:00:00Z |
Follow DG Ralph Smith, as he visits various clubs across Iowa this year. His "Club Visit Schedule" is on this Home Page (left side). Clubs: Be sure to send your DG Ralph Smith photos (send a fun one!) to both: Gateway (Ely) August 4: Marion-East CR Aug 8 CR Sunrise Aug 10 (Board) Osage August 2: Waverly July 20 Bellevue July 28:
DG Ralph Smith Club Visits!
2017-07-31 05:00:00Z |
Join us for a few hours or the entire day on Thursday, August 17 at the Fair! The various meeting times throughout the day are listed in this flyer, to catch up with the group. Don’t forget to wear Rotary attire! At the fair will be Past RI President Ray Klinginsmith with Rotarians from Iowa and northern Missouri Districts 5970, 6000, 6040.
Join "Rotary at the State Fair" Aug 17
2017-07-31 05:00:00Z |
Our 2017 RYLA class experienced the premier Iowa Rotary Youth Program in July. Read the report from OurGrinnell.com for more details!
2017 RYLA Report from Grinnell
2017-07-31 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 04, 2017
Clubs, please invite your selected students to a Rotary club meeting before RYLA/YRYLA to introduce them to your members. Invite them back for a second meeting after RYLA/YRYLA so they can tell about their experiences at RYLA/YRYLA.
Make sure the students have transportation to and from RYLA/YRYLA. If you would like assistance arranging carpooling from your area, please contact Dave Kutter at Registrar@IowaRYLA.org or (319) 360-7362.
Emails will go out to the selected students the first week of June and a second, the first week of July. The second email will include details the students and parents need to know.
RYLA calling for adult volunteers! RYLA is held July 16-21, 2017 at Grinnell College. You need no prior experience to help. Download this document to read and respond. Training is June 24 8-5pm, and July 15. We still need one more Rotarian to volunteer.
RYLA and YRYLA Next Steps!
2017-06-04 05:00:00Z |
June 5, 2017: 12PM Registration - 1PM Shotgun Start - 6PM dinner Help the Dubuque Veterans Freedom Center by golfing at this event! Golf, Dinner, Raffels, Prizes!
Dubuque Rotary - Annual Golf Outing for Veterans Freedom Center
Teri Fairchild
2017-05-05 05:00:00Z |
The Pocahontas Rotary Club & the Interact Club (high school Rotary youth group) marked the century milestone of the Rotary Foundation by celebrating with pizza, ice cream & brownies along with a scavenger hunt organized by the Interact advisor, Katie Wilford. Interactors and their Rotary advisors are pictured here. Rotarians Mary and Clifford Clayton explain the Rotary Foundation to the Interact Club members. Click Read More below to see the next page!
Rotary Club & Interact Group Celebrate Foundation
2017-04-20 00:00:00Z |
DGE Ralph Smith is encouraging as many District Rotarians as possible attend this event and give a warm Iowa welcome to RI President-Elect Ian Riseley. See this information provided by Jacque Andrew, General Chair of the upcoming NCPETS training to be held in Ames, Iowa March 9-11.
Spread the word. Seating is limited! The dinner event with Ian Riseley is Friday night March 10.
Club President Elects - Be sure you have registered for PETS! Your registration is paid by our District if you attend in Ames. Register on the NCPETS web site. www.ncpets.org
President Elect Training - Ames, IA - March 9-11
2017-02-03 00:00:00Z |
Join our District Foundation team for Grant Management Training. This is required to apply for a Grant. .png) Click here for the District Calendar and select April. Chose one of 2 remaining seminars on April 8 in Webster City. Register as a Guest or Member, for the first-time Seminar, or the re-certification Seminar. Questions? Contact any Foundation Committee member, or Michelle Bell. Reminder: Applications for District Grants are due June 15.
Grant Management Training April 8 - Last Sessions
2017-01-14 00:00:00Z |
Rotary.org has a new look! The public areas (before you login) are new. Click on "Read More" to see information from RI President John Germ.
Rotary.org Website has a New Look
2017-01-13 00:00:00Z |
Be part of Iowa's Gift to the World
DG Jim Coloff sent an email earlier with information on how D-5970 Rotarians can help give children all over the world the gift of walking through the RAG4clubfoot. Thanks to a generous matching donation, all contributions to the Iowa’s Gift to the World campaign will be matched, 100%. Rotarian Action Groups are grassroots movements from Rotarians who see a specific need and devise/find an opportunity to address that need. The RAG4clubfoot is just such an example. Iowa Rotarians can "gift" children all over the world with the ability to walk by helping train doctors to use the Ponseti Method for treating clubfoot. Because the RAG4Clubfoot is registered as a 501c3, your donations are tax deductible; however, it is not part of the Rotary Foundation and neither Foundation credit nor Paul Harris points are awarded. For more information on how to give, go to https://iowasgifttotheworld.org/
Be Part of Iowa's Gift to the World
Jim Coloff
2017-01-13 00:00:00Z |
Make this your year to host a Youth Exchange student
All clubs in the district are encouraged to get involved with Youth Exchange by serving as host clubs for incoming youth exchange students. Host clubs are not required to recruit and send a student abroad. The cost to clubs is minimal, and hosting a high school student from another country will be a wonderful experience for your fellow Rotarians and your community. Students arrive in late August, attend your local school and return home in May or June 2018. If your Youth Exchange Committee would like more information on hosting a student starting in August 2017, please contact DG Jim Coloff at 319-231-5003, or jim@coloffmedia.com. He will get you more information on this unique opportunity.
Make This Your Year To Host a Youth Exchange Student
Jim Coloff
2017-01-13 00:00:00Z |
From the District Governor
Happy New Year. I trust your 2017 is off to a great start. For our clubs in the district, it marks the halway point of the Rotary year. As Rotarians and as clubs, have we completed all we set out to accomplish this Rotary year? Have we celebrated the Rotary Foundation 100th Anniversary with a contribution gift? Many clubs have set records this year for Foundation giving! Kudos to you! Have you been inviting others to join you in Rotary? Many clubs have had an increase in membership. Fantastic! Others want to join us…they are waiting for you to ask. The good news is, we still have plenty of time to act on our Rotary goals. Make your resolution now to share Rotary with others and support the Foundation, and make a difference in your community and the world!
From the District Governor
2017-01-12 00:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 09, 2017
Another RYLA is in the works – this one for middle school students and we’re calling it Young RYLA. It came to be after we heard time and again from RYLA graduates, "I wish I’d had this sooner," and "This would be great for my little brother (or sister). So after three years of the planning, we’re ready to open our first YRYLA.
click story title to
RYLA and Young RYLA Club Reservations are due January 15
A new RYLA! "Young" RYLA Info below
2017-01-10 00:00:00Z |
About a year ago we started implementing what we call our "5th Tuesday Service Projects". In every month with 5 Tuesdays, we have an evening meeting which revolves around some type of service project.
On November 29, Decorah Rotary made 50 care packages for the 50 service personnel from our local Army reserve unit, currently stationed in Kuwait. These boxes held items such as beef jerky, magazines, movies, nuts and snacks, chewing gum, homemade baked goods, and hand written letters from elementary and middle school children.
Rotarian Ward Budweg's son, John, had been on two tours overseas, so helped us with what is most appreciated. He also spoke at the meeting, expressing what the packages from home truly mean to those away from their families. It was very touching. Submitted by Kelly Reagan

Decorah Rotary "5th Thursday Service Projects"
2016-12-05 00:00:00Z |
Dubuque club offers art prints
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Mississippi riverfront development, the Rotary Club of Dubuque commissioned a painting by renowned artist Gary Olson of the Port of Dubuque. The club is selling limited edition and numbered lithograph prints for $79. Proceeds will benefit its Humanitarian Grant Program, which supports area nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving the lives of others and making Dubuque a great place to raise families. Click here to learn more or purchase a print.
Dubuque club sells art prints to raise funds
L Moeller
2016-10-24 00:00:00Z |
TWO ADGs complete district roster
Rotarians Nancy Anderson and Sara Pinion bring the total number of Assistant District Governors serving District 5970 to 14. Anderson is working with the Iowa Great Lakes, Estherville and Spencer clubs. Pinion serves clubs in Maquoketa, Monticello and Anamosa.
Two ADGs complete district roster
L Moeller
2016-10-24 00:00:00Z |
Shoe project pairs Decorah, Moshi clubs
Thanks to an article in The Rotarian magazine, a relationship between the Decorah and Moshi Rotary clubs and the travels of two intrepid Decorah Rotarians, children in Moshi, Tanzania now have sandals that adjust to five sizes and help protect them from soil-transmitted diseases.
Decorah Rotarian Ward Budweg helps
a primary school student try on new shoes.
Shoe project pairs Decorah, Moshi clubs
L Moeller
2016-10-23 00:00:00Z |
Remember these dates
RYLA, YRYLA Registration Opens—Feb. 1
Club Presidents Webinar—Feb. 25, 5 p.m.
North Central President Elect Training, Ames—March 9-11
D-5970 Conference, Hilton Garden Inn, Cedar Falls—April 27–28
Rotary International Convention, Atlanta, Ga.—June 10–14
Rotary Foundation Centennial Anniversary—June 17
Grant Management Training, Waverly—April 1
Grant Management Training, Webster City—April 8
District Call for 2017-18 Projects—April 15
District, International Grants Submission Deadline—June 15
Remember these 2016-17 Dates
2016-09-11 00:00:00Z |
Monthly Rotary themes help guide club work
Rotary International designates a special theme for each month, and clubs can use these themes to spearhead programs and activities. November is Rotary Foundation Month, and December is Disease Prevention and Treatment month. See the complete list of themes.
Take advantage of monthly themes
Linda Moeller
2016-09-11 00:00:00Z |
12 Rotarians serve as Assistant Governors
A dozen Rotarians serve as Assistant District Governors in D-5970. District Governor Nominee Neil Fell from the Garner Rotary Club coordinates the work of this group.
12 Rotarians serve as Assistant Governors
Linda Moeller
2016-09-11 00:00:00Z |
Club Spotlight
Hampton Rotarians (right) build Little Free Libraries, then deliver the finished products to locations around the community.
The Rockwell City Club’s first annual Foundation Golf Outing on Sept. 2 raised more than $600 for the Rotary Foundation.
The Spencer Rotary Club purchased and delivered bike racks to the City Rec Department for placement in public areas around the community.
Cedar Rapids West Rotarians (left) gather for a photo with the supply of Trapper Keepers they provided to students in the Cedar Rapids schools.
Club Spotlight
2016-09-11 00:00:00Z |
District clubs support Louisiana flood relief
Rotarians in D-5970 have proven once again why they are known as some of the most giving people in America. Nearly 40 percent of our clubs have donated to our Zone 28 Louisiana Flood Relief efforts, raising nearly $4,000 to date. Combined with the other clubs in our Zone, we will provide these funds to the Rotary Clubs in the Baton Rouge & New Orleans area. We can be sure that local Rotarians know best where the money will do the most good. I salute the club presidents who took on this challenge to pass the hat and help out our fellow Americans. You make me especially proud to be your District Governor.
District clubs support Louisiana flood relief
2016-09-11 00:00:00Z |
Four from District selected for Young Professionals Summit
Four selected for Young Professionals Summit
Four District 5970 Rotarians will participate in an inaugural Young Professionals Summit, which convenes Sept. 29–Oct. 1 in Cleveland, Ohio. Kesha Billings, Marion East-Cedar Rapids Rotary Club; Whitney Jackley, Cedar Valley Rotary Club; Emily Neuendorf, Waverly Rotary Club; and John Schultz, Mt. Vernon Rotary Club, were among 40 Rotarians under the age of 40 selected for the Summit.
Four from District selected for Young Professionals Summit
Linda Moeller
2016-09-04 00:00:00Z |
Algona Rotary Club District Grant
District Grants don’t have to be complicated or a lot of work. The Algona Rotary Club’s 2015-2016 Grant is a great example. They purchased a Teacup Merry-Go-Round, a Merry-Go-Cycle and two benches for Algona’s Veteran’s Park. The new benches, shown in this picture, proudly display their club name and the Rotary emblem! Hundreds of children and their parents will visit these benches annually.
Algona Rotary Club District Grant
2016-08-01 00:00:00Z |
RI President Monthly Messages
Each month a new message from 2018-2019 RI President Barry Rassen will be available... Visit the office of the president to: Barry RassinPresident 2018-19Rotary Club of East NassauNew Providence, BahamasBarry Rassin earned an MBA in health and hospital administration from the University of Florida, and is the first fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives in the Bahamas. He recently retired after 37 years as president of Doctors Hospital Health System and continues as an adviser. He is a lifetime member of the American Hospital Association and has served on several boards, including the Quality Council of the Bahamas, Health Education Council, and Employer’s Confederation. A Rotarian since 1980, Rassin has served Rotary as director and is vice chair of The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees. He was an RI training leader and the aide to 2015-16 RI President K.R. Ravindran. Rassin received Rotary's highest honor, the Service Above Self Award, as well as other humanitarian awards for his work leading Rotary’s relief efforts in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake there. He and his wife, Esther, are Major Donors and Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation.
RI President Monthly Messages
2016-07-01 05:00:00Z |
District Governor Installation - Sign Up Now!
Posted on May 25, 2016
You are encouraged to attend the installation of Jim Coloff as District Governor 2016-17 on Tuesday, June 21st from 5:30pm-8:00pm.
The Cedar Falls Rotary Club will host a picnic at Gateway Park in Cedar Falls for the event, including brats, burgers, sides, water, pop, beer and wine. There will also be kids activities so bring the kids and grandkids. Cost is just $10 for dinner. Pre-register at www.rotaryseminars.org now. You can pay for dinner on-line when you register or at the event when you arrive.
All district Rotarians and families are invited to attend.
District Governor Installation - Sign Up Now!
2016-05-26 00:00:00Z |
Arch Klumph Birthday Discount! Rotary Convention June 10-14, 2017
Dear D-5970 Rotarians,
We have some very exciting news for you!
As you know, the 2017 Rotary International Convention will take place in Atlanta from June 10-14. While every Rotary Convention is an exciting event, 2017 will be extra special because we will be celebrating the 100th Anniversary of The Rotary Foundation. As a matter of fact, it was in Atlanta at the 1917 Rotary Convention, that Rotary President Arch Klumph announced the formation of OUR foundation with the first contribution of $26.50.
In honor of Arch's birthday on June 6th, and in memory of the first donation, Rotary is offering a special registration fee of $265 - but only from May 28th to June 6th. After June 6th, the registration fee will increase to $340.
We are also planning some travel options by bus and/or air for district Rotarians to travel together. Those details are not ready to share as of yet. However, we encourage you to register now to get this special, low registration rate.
Join us in Atlanta in 2017, where we will celebrate "100 Years of Doing Good!"
Jim Coloff
District Governor Elect (2016-2017)
Joe Gitta
District Governor (2015-2016) )
Arch Klumph Birthday Discount! Rotary Convention June 10-14, 2017
2016-05-26 00:00:00Z |
Computers funded for Ugandan children
Cedar Rapids Metro North Rotary club sponsored a joint project with cooperating organization Children's Hope Chest to purchase and install 30 computers for Ugandan children using a matching grant from District 5970. The computers are being used to host math and science lectures through the Khan Academy in the Northern Uganda region of Teso. Rotarians on both sides worked to coordinate the purchase and installation of the computers, benefitting the Ugandan people whose main income in the region is farming.
Computers funded for Ugandan children
2016-05-01 00:00:00Z |
May Greeting
We are in the heavy season of Rotary right now. I literally just left our last Grant Management Seminar to qualify clubs for grants during 2016-2017. I am energized and excited about the projects that District 5970 Rotarians are planning. Remember that your District Leadership is here to assist you. Contact any of us at any time. It is our job to help you do good work in the world. Those funds come from your donations to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund. You have a great opportunity to help build these funds through the District Celebration next weekend. The proceeds from the silent and live auction items go directly to this fund. Please visit the District 5970 Facebook page to view some of the items for sale. We hope you will join us. It’s not too late to register at 5970districtcelebration.org
May Greeting
M Howe
2016-05-01 00:00:00Z |
Create a Legacy
Rotary’s tomorrow depends on what we do today
Consider becoming a member of the Bequest Society. Promote a better world beyond your lifetime by including The Rotary Foundation’s Endowment Fund in your estate plan. The principal of a gift to the Endowment Fund is never spent, so a portion of the earnings will always be available for Foundation programs. We invite you to join those who have already committed to improve and enrich the lives of people around the globe through a gift to the Endowment Fund. The Rotary Foundation is known for its commitment to effective programs that make a real difference in people’s lives. A gift from your estate to the Endowment Fund can provide ongoing financial support for one or more Rotary service areas, as if you were continuing to make annual contributions in perpetuity.
Please contact Don Meyer Fundraising Chairperson for District 5970 for more information at donald.meyer@wartburg.edu or Michelle Bell for more information.
Create a Legacy
2016-05-01 00:00:00Z |
Rotary District Celebration!
The Rotary Clubs of the Cedar Valley invite you to attend the District 5970 District Celebration, May 6 & 7 in the rejuvenated Waterloo Downtown. The weekend will kick off with a Carnival style atmosphere at the Waterloo Center for the Arts.
Register now for our District Celebration by clicking the link below. You may pay by credit card or send in a check.
Rotary District Celebration!
2016-03-26 00:00:00Z |
2016 Grant Management Seminars
Don't forget - Grant Management Seminars are happening in April ! You must attend one to quality for a District or global grant. Make room in your schedule to attend one of two GMS (Grant Management Seminars) this spring that will educate and qualify you and your club to receive grant funding for your great projects. New this year we will offer a recertification class. If you have attended a GMS in 2014-2015 (either in Marion or at the District Conference at Okoboji), you are qualified for this class. This is only for previous attendees and is not transferable. You will receive a special invitation for this class if you qualify. This year’s classes will be offered in person or over the internet (this must be viewed interactively and will not be shown at a future date.) The Grant Management Seminars are scheduled for:
Mason City Friday April 22nd at the Mason City Library:
Recertification Class 1 pm - 2 pm
GMS Seminar 2:15 pm - 4 pm
Marion/ Cedar Rapids Saturday April 30th at the Marion Public Library:
Recertification Class 1 pm - 2 pm
GMS Seminar 2:15 pm - 4 pm
Register online at: https://rotaryseminars.org/
2016 Grant Management Seminars
michelle howe
2015-12-31 00:00:00Z |
Playground Equipment
Cedar Rapids Daybreak and Sunrise Clubs have teamed up again to provide Playground Equipment for the 60 or so children attending the Early Childhood Development Center in Las Trincheras, El Salvador. A District Matching Grant helped the clubs fund this $4,000 project, which included the purchase of equipment and construction of a shelter around the playground.
The playground is located in the secure, fenced-in Early Childhood Development Center, offering a safe environment with playground equipment that does not exist elsewhere in the community. The excitement and smiles on the children’s faces show the impact. And more projects are in the pipeline.
Since 2013, Daybreak and Sunrise have partnered to make an impact in the lives of children in Las Trinceras. So far, their joint efforts have raised $87,000 to assist with school construction, fencing, sanitary bathrooms, planting trees, painting classrooms and installing “water bottle” lights in homes in the community. The clubs have partnered with Cuscatlan Rotary Club in San Salvador for these efforts, and future projects involve a Community Well, and sanitary bathrooms and fencing for the Elementary school.
In May 2015, eight Rotarians from both clubs traveled to Las Trincheras to work on projects. This was the second delegation and future trips are planned. On January 21, 2016 the clubs will host the 3rd Wine Tasting fundraiser at Phelan’s Interiors for ongoing projects in Las Trincheras. If you are interested in joining Daybreak/Sunrise for these efforts, or you would like to support the January Fundraiser, please contact Joe Kirby at joe.kirby@lynchfordchevy.com.
Playground Equipment
M Howe
2015-11-30 00:00:00Z |
Cedar Rapids West Sponsors Backpacks for Kids
Cedar Rapids West Rotary served as the primary sponsor once again this year for the Backpacks for Kids program that supports area students.
The West Rotary event “Flapjacks for Backpacks”, took place on March 7, 2015. In addition to tickets sold and purchased by club members, a silent auction was held to raise funds. Additionally, the club was able to secure significant corporate sponsorships.
When all was said and done, approximately $12,000 was raised in conjunction with the March 7 event. In addition to those funds, the club was also provided with a District Designated grant of $5000 from Rotary District 5970.
The total number of backpacks purchased with these funds was 2058. The backpacks/supplies were distributed on August 1 at the local Salvation Army, and students from several area grade schools, middle schools, and high schools benefited. Additionally, $650 in school supplies for the backpacks was provided to Van Buren Elementary. Also, $400 in “Trapper Keeper” school organizers were provided to McKinley Middle School and HD Youth Center. Tanager Place and HD Youth Center also distributed several dozen backpacks.
While West Rotary was the main financial sponsor for this backpacks event, the club also received volunteer assistance from the Olivet Neighborhood Mission, Oakhill Jackson Neighborhood Association, Freedom Festival, Friends of Hiawatha, HD Youth Center, Salvation Army, and Tanager Place.
Cedar Rapids West Sponsors Backpacks for Kids
M Howe
2015-09-30 00:00:00Z |
My Rotary Training for Clubs - LIVE!
My Rotary Training
Sep 19, 2015 - Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Cedar Falls Public Library, or online by webinar
Attend this training to learn about accessing My Rotary and Club Central on the Rotary International website. This training will is intended for the following audience:
- Club Presidents, President Elects, Secretaries, Club Foundation Chairs, General Rotary Members
- Anyone who would like to get familiar with the Rotary International "MY Rotary" website.
In this training you will learn
- How to create a My Rotary Account
- How to navigate the website
- How to set goals for your club
- How to enter club officers and committee chairs
- How to view and download reports and much more
The course will be offered in person and online as a Webinar. To register go to rotaryseminars.org
Save the Date: Saturday, September 19th. 1 to 3 Cedar Falls Public Library, 524 Main Street, Cedar Falls
There will be a setup period from 12 noon to 1pm to assist those that need help in setting up their computer at the training or help with webinar access. Laptops will be available for those attending in person, or bring your own. The training is offered at no charge to Rotarians
My Rotary Training for Clubs - LIVE!
2015-08-24 00:00:00Z |
District Governor Joe Gitta Installed June 27
A room full of Rotarians were welcomed by the Cedar Falls Rotary Club Saturday June 27. DGE Joe Gitta was installed as our Governor for 2015-2016. DG Kathy Faye started the evening, reflecting on her year as governor. DG Kathy then led DGE Joe in his oath of office and passed him the District Governor pin. The "Home of the District Governor" banner was passed from Kathy's Iowa Great Lakes club to Joe's Cedar Falls club where it will reside for 2 years. Following Joe as DG is James Coloff, also of the Cedar Falls club. Finally, Past DG Jill Olsen presented DG Kathy with her past DG Governor pin to close the installation. Click "read more" for pictures.
Rotarians were invited to move across the street to hear the US Marine Corps Band which began playing immediately after the Rotary event ended!
Many thanks for the Cedar Falls club setting up the event.
District Governor Joe Gitta Installed June 27
2015-06-29 00:00:00Z |
The Great Eastern Iowa Duck Race
District 5970 Rotarians and Guests: Contribution to this huge Cedar Rapids Daybreak Fundraiser can be made through the "Our Website" link below...The event is July 18.
Be sure to clear your calendar on July 18th as the Great Eastern Iowa Duck Race sponsored by Phelan's Interiors returns to Noelridge Park in Cedar Rapids at 2pm on Saturday, July 18th! Visit Our Website for up to the minute race information.
Get quackin' and reach out to your favorite Daybreak Rotarian to ensure you've got some ducks in the water today!
By Adopting a Duck you are entered into the chance to win some amazing prizes. All proceeds go to help youth organizations including Youthport, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Cedar Rapids, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Cedar Rapids, the Jon Cushing Sunshine Fund, Kids First Law Center and the ESNA Village Network in El Salvador!
With your support the Great Eastern Iowa Duck Race has raised more than $400,000 in just the last 6 years!
Thank you for your support! The Daybreak Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids
The Great Eastern Iowa Duck Race
2015-06-22 00:00:00Z |
RYLA starts July 26!
RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is a life-changing leadership training program for young men and women where leadership skills and principles are learned, developed and enhanced in an atmosphere of trust and respect. The purpose of RYLA is to encourage and assist current and potential youth leaders in methods of responsible and effective leadership. Many past RYLArians from around the country have said, “It was the best week of my life!”
We currently have 243 applications, 90 from District 5970 and 153 from District 6000 for youth to attend this year's conference. So the numbers are up again this year and we're excited! For more information on the volunteer opportunities, please email District 5970 RYLA Coordinator Dave Kutter.
RYLA starts July 26!
2015-05-18 00:00:00Z |
District Governor Joe Gitta Installation June 27
.jpg) |
Everyone is welcome to come to Cedar Falls June 27!
For details and registration go to our District Calendar.
District Governor Joe Gitta Installation June 27
2015-05-18 00:00:00Z |
International Convention - Friday Night Lights Invitation (June 5)
This letter of invitation is to all District 5970 Rotarians to join us in São Paulo.
It is not too late to register for our Rotary Convention in São Paulo. If you have not yet registered, please join us for this annual celebration of Rotary with fellowship and fun in Brazil. Make memories with friends old and new, engage with leaders, learn to lead, connect for good, exchange ideas and meet people from your district and from half a world away!
If you have registered for the convention, please also join us for Friday Night Lights June 5 with your fellow Rotarians from Zones 28 and 29, http://tinyurl.com/2829fridaynight.
Chris Etienne
São Paulo Convention Promotion Committee
Zones 28-29
International Convention - Friday Night Lights Invitation (June 5)
2015-05-18 00:00:00Z |
District Golf Outing - Mason City Aug 9
All Rotarian golfers – head to Mason City for the District Golf Outing! See details and Registration on the District website Calendar Event. CLICK HERE.
A limited number of carts are available. Call 641-423-9693 to reserve.
For the Registration Form> CLICK HERE.
District Golf Outing - Mason City Aug 9
Bruce Lindholm
2015-05-16 00:00:00Z |
2015 Int'l Convention - Invitation for Friday Night Lights June 5
Posted on May 15, 2015
Brazil International Convention Invitation!
This letter of invitation is to all District 5970 Rotarians to join us in São Paulo.
It is not too late to register for our Rotary Convention in São Paulo. If you have not yet registered, please join us for this annual celebration of Rotary with fellowship and fun in Brazil. Make memories with friends old and new, engage with leaders, learn to lead, connect for good, exchange ideas and meet people from your district and from half a world away!
If you have registered for the convention, please also join us for Friday Night Lights June 5 with your fellow Rotarians from Zones 28 and 29, http://tinyurl.com/2829fridaynight.
Chris Etienne
São Paulo Convention Promotion Committee
Zones 28-29
2015 Int'l Convention - Invitation for Friday Night Lights June 5
Bruce Lindholm
2015-05-16 00:00:00Z |
District 5970 on Facebook!
District 5970 not only has an updated website, but we are also now on Facebook. Like our page to see what is going on in the district and let us know if you have a club page and we'll like yours as well to allow Rotarians to see what is all happening with your club too. Facebook is a great way to share the story of Rotary with your non-Rotarian friends to spread of the word of the good we are doing in the world. Click here for the District Website and click here to visit the District Facebook Page.
District 5970 on Facebook!
Kathryn Fahy
2015-02-21 00:00:00Z |
February 23 Marks 110 Years of Rotary!
February 23 marks the 110th anniversary of Rotary. This year also marks 30 years since Rotary launched its campaign to rid the world of polio. How will you celebrate 30 years of PolioPlus? Plan now to share and celebrate with your club next week!
February 23 Marks 110 Years of Rotary!
Kathryn Fahy
2015-02-21 00:00:00Z |
District 5970 Sponsors Its First Peace Fellow!
Regina Mutiru Peter, 30, of Nairobi, Kenya has become the first District 5970 Rotary Peace Fellow. Regina was awarded a fellowship to the University of Bradford (England where she will study African Peace and Conflict Studies). This course explores the nature, dynamics and complexity of the links between peace, conflict, security, development, and democratization in Africa, with a focus on cross‐cutting thematic issues including armed conflict, poverty and underdevelopment, HIV/AIDS, resources and terrorism, among others. These issues are all pertinent to her country. Click here to learn more. Congratulations Regina!
District 5970 Sponsors Its First Peace Fellow!
Jill Olsen
2015-02-21 00:00:00Z |
RYLA Application Deadlines Approaching
Deadlines are quickly approaching for students to apply for RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). If you have students interested, please have them completed the Student Application Process (New Online Application) which is now available at www.iowaryla.org. Clubs should note that March 15 is the deadline for clubs to send in registration fee ($400 per student) to reserve slots for the number of students they plan to sponsor this summer (RYLA will be held July 26-31, 2015.) The Rotarian Volunteer Application has also been posted on the RYLA website - if you or someone you know would make a good Rotarian Volunteer at RYLA, please consider applying. It is a fun, rewarding, exciting, life changing experience for Rotarians as well as the conferees. That’s why Rotarians keep coming back. Dates for volunteers include a June 20 training and then July 25-31 for the conference. Applications for volunteering are due April 30. Visit www.iowaryla.org for additional information.
RYLA Application Deadlines Approaching
David Kutter
2015-02-20 00:00:00Z |
2014-15: Light Up Rotary
RI President Gary C.K. Huang chose Light Up Rotary as his theme for 2014-15. Huang is urging club members to Light Up Rotary by hosting a Rotary Day in their community, continuing our fight against polio, and increasing club membership. "Light Up Rotary is more than our theme. It is how we make a difference — every day, in every club, and every country we serve."
2014-15: Light Up Rotary
2014-08-12 00:00:00Z |
Rotary Breaks Records, Puts Polio on Notice
Posted on Aug 11, 2014
Polio took a hit at this year's Rotary convention in Sydney, Australia.
The biggest news was the $101 million pledged to polio eradication. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbottopened the convention on 1 June with a commitment from his government of $100 million to the PolioPlus campaign. Two days later, Sir Emeka Offor, executive vice chair of Chrome Group, announced a $1 million gift to The Rotary Foundation to help end polio.
Rotary Breaks Records, Puts Polio on Notice
2014-08-12 00:00:00Z |